Thursday, July 31, 2008

T55 George

T55 George1, originally uploaded by Alastair Bird.

My Nephew, George. On the dock - Type 55 Polaroid and the Linhof again... It's funny, he's not much of a pose-for-the-camera kind of kid, but I was really blown away by his pose for this shot. Lucky, I guess...

Friday, July 25, 2008

T55 Elise

T55 Elise 1, originally uploaded by Alastair Bird.

Elise on the dock - another Type 55 Polaroid photo.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

T55 Margot

T55 Margot 1, originally uploaded by Alastair Bird.

On the dock at Lake Simcoe. Margot, trying to stand still in the high wind. Shot on 4x5 with Type 55 Polaroid film.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CH Shoes

CH Shoes, originally uploaded by Alastair Bird.

My niece's shoes, left on the dock.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Margot sitting

400NC Margot 1, originally uploaded by Alastair Bird.

She's pretty patient, for a 5-year-old. Well, for any age, really. At any rate, this is Margot, only too happy (although you wouldn't know it from the photo) to pose for her dad. Shot on a 4x5 camera with neg film of some sort or other. I used that Xenotar 150mm lens again - my favorite.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

SunYatSen Pond

SunYatSen Pond, originally uploaded by Alastair Bird.

This is the pond at Dr Sun Yat Sen Gardens in Vancouver. I was out shooting early(ish) in the morning a while ago, and got this shot. It was taken with film and my Hasselblad - I just got around to scanning it last week.